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[店铺经营] 发展连锁店或走向精致店







发表于 2010-1-22 19:52:58 |显示全部楼层











Contradictions in the minds of many business owners tend to think that, when the store reaches a certain level of performance, into a red card from a two or three, the interaction between the red card would become very subtle, in harmony and balance among competing, and can control continued to grow. In its growth process, how to stabilize the red card, reducing the personnel change is in charge to be working for.

    Promoted with several designers or new start for designers looking for a way out and re-opening more outlets, which are beyond the planned changes, this time the conflict began to produce the boss, is to develop a chain of stores, or towards 1 million The Shoppes to run, shop should be how to develop, my personal opinion.

One shop has developed into many stores, many stores and then become a chain, about certain procedures.

    Let us talk about the qualifications of the development branch, and to show how to assess the appropriate qualifications, the simple conversion method, the total passenger number / number of days / number = 4, or the chair overall performance / work number = 10 million or more. Beyond the four people or the production value of more than 10 million, is the safety of shop behavior. Why is this calculation, it is the passenger on behalf of your home is adequate, very busy, a little busy the past should be able to secure flourish, new talent a chance to develop a new source in order to re-add. Development chain is the hair of people desire, they are not something everyone can do, chain conditions of tolerance talk about her day today to talk about exquisite shops.
Move toward a number of conditions are required to fine shops, fine shops most of the technology to win, no matter the technology or technical content of the image, texture exceeded the standards of the general store. Therefore, the exquisite refinement store not only store layout, service talk sense, the service itself is a part of fine shops.

Exquisite shop phenomenon:
Shampoo less a high unit price:
    The main source of revenue cut, hot, high consumption of dye. Sophisticated technology shop based on their focus, customers will naturally be the door to cutting, ironing, dyeing, as designers try to understand the beginning of the relative shampoo called into value-added, the price of natural shampoo and a high volume of natural, therefore, I cut, hot, dyeing to become the basis of performance.

The quality of customer focus:
    Generally to the consumption of refined store customers; mostly or very concerned about the pursuit of quality and taste of consumers, designers are afraid of losing customer focus too much on texture, in order to maintain the quality of appointments has become the norm, but also due to care about its work, Therefore, the needs of both parties in line with each other to attract.

Exclusive of service:
    Exquisite shops designers quality control requirements, compared with seeking personalized service or in person customer service in order to quality control. And use the time for the customer service, so that communication with customers concerned about the feelings of exquisite customer service. When necessary, designers will be 1-2 assistant to help, but the assistant's ability to be very strong, and can meet the design requirements.

Introduction of customers and the customers customers:
    A general store customers, is a random come; but the most sophisticated customers shop from customers to introduce new customers come. Therefore, the exquisite shop customers come because of the recommendation by a friend, so the one that is cutting, ironing, dyeing consumption, will make a trip to shampoo are not many customers, which is why the performance of fine shops, the source is cut, hot , dyeing, as a foundation.

Consumption-based recovery:
    Customers shop for the exquisite, the money is not the problem, the key is how to satisfy their taste and quality requirements. The exquisite designer shops demand for hair is absolutely hair and hair color should also be able to match each other, can be called the overall shape is perfect, therefore, the overall design down the hair is definitely not the only cutting or burning can not be completed.

Designer quality of the neat, independent:
    Will go fine designer shops, its own capabilities are strong, and are not binding, so the general store was unable to retain them. Because of its strong ability, so anyone who is not satisfied, all to do all the work, all to stay with their own customers, therefore, appear unrelated, in fact, regarded every designer to take care of their customers very well, fulfill their duties.

Hair design for the customer's career planning:
    Since the exquisite designer shops are very concerned about their own works and the interaction with customers will naturally make the best hairstyle for customers planning. What is the hair's career plan? That is depending on customer needs and design their own professional quality, good news for customers arrange what time what should be done.

    Shop due to the autonomy of exquisite designer strong is needed is attention to her views, and the head of mutual respect, communication emphasis on the Buda, so that designers? An all exploration and as a shop supervisor, shop millions of results would not be difficult, as long as There push heart's deputy, will soon bring out the designer into a red card, a single shop has a number of such designers, and then and to show relatively safe, which a number of shops or chain stores, should be created to changes in plan .
Source: Taiwan






发表于 2010-1-24 07:51:33 |显示全部楼层





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